I really like things that fly and over the last year and a half I have been getting into flying multi-rotors. Some call them drones, but I do not like that name because drones makes it sound like something bad, people think of drones as devices that are used to cause destruction and hurt people.
Multi-rotors, if used with respect and following the rules are very safe, like anything, there are people that do not respect them and do stupid things with them, but for the most part they are safe, just those few people that get the headlines for doing stupid things.
Below are some of the options, parts and videos for building a drone. I frequently get asked what people need to buy to build their own (I build my own) so I have put together links to the parts, etc.
This is still a work in progress and I will get it cleaned up and organized, right now I am just doing a brain dump with all of the information.
http://www.amazon.com/FS-TH9X-B-Transmitter-Receiver-Control-Buyincoins/dp/B008HCP6S4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425929513&sr=8-1&keywords=FS-TH9X-B (this is the model newer than mine, I cannot find the A model)
Mods info: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2085358
Board to make modding code easier and add backlight: http://www.smartieparts.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=331
My deadcat 450 frame: http://www.amazon.com/Neewer-Useful-X-Mode-Multicopter-Quadcopter/dp/B00C593WYU/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1425930180&sr=1-2&keywords=quadcopter+450
I have this 450 but have not assembled it: http://www.amazon.com/NEEWER%C2%AE-4-Axis-Airframe-FlameWheel-Quadcopter/dp/B00ATLP6WM/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1425930180&sr=1-1&keywords=quadcopter+450
This is the flimsy metal one I have not assembled either: http://www.amazon.com/Balck-QuadCopter-Folding-Friber-MultiCoptor/dp/B00AF6229Q/ref=sr_1_3?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1425930479&sr=1-3&keywords=quadcopter+frame
How to hook it up with gps and FPV: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2190764
This section is subjective, you have to match the motor and blades and the consider the weight and purpose of the aircraft. It is best to look around the internet for best advice on motor size and blade size and attack. A great example is on my hexacopter I went from a 10 inch blade to an 8 inch blade with faster motors to get better response. You would think a bigger blade with faster motors would be better but that will just burn out the motor and ESC controller.
With the weight of the camera and larger batteries I was getting sluggish response which also made it hard for the hexacopter to maintain in higher winds. I ruined a number of motors and blew one or 2 ESCs as well. The motors were always very hot at the end of a flight. Changing blades changed all of that and made the hexacopter much more responsive, the motors are cooler, etc.
I also changed brands of motors. Let me just say that not all motors are made equal. My first set of motors where cheap from amazon or ebay and they did not perform well. My new motors are just a little more expensive but are solid performers.
I have been buying my motors from here recently: http://www.readytoflyquads.com/motors
I have gone through a number of different speed controllers in this learning experience. I have landed on 2 different models that I have been sticking to. Mainly because of how easy they are to calibrate. For the small quads I have been using SimonK ESCs. For the larger Hexacopter and even Quads I have been using ESCs from DJI. I have been using the more expensive DJI ESCs on the ones that are using the DJI controllers because they are so simple to calibrate when everything is DJI.
Search the internet for the best prices on the ESCs. If you search by name brand you can find them at many different places. If you are having problems finding them, ready to fly quads has a good selection: http://www.readytoflyquads.com/speed-controllers
My favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZK0fvybQ5Y
The big 60 Mph crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmmeW_0Jf70