Other Repeaters That I Maintain

This page is about my personal repeaters but I am also President of the Mid-Atlantic Wireless communication group that has 9 repeaters and many other radio services. For details on those repeaters visit mawcg.org.

I also maintain repeaters for the Frederick Amateur Radio Club (frederickarc.org) and Antietam Radio Association (w3cwc.org).

Gambrill Mountain MMDVM Repeater

This repeater is located on Gambrill mountain in the mess of antennas and towers you see on the ridge to the west of Frederick. It is a Multi-Mode Digital Voice Mode repeater that currently supports DMR, Fusion and D-Star. I might add additional modes like P25 and NXDN in the future.

This repeater is coordinated with a narrow band pair (12.5 Khz). It transmits on 441.9625 and has a positive offset. It is attached to the Brandmeister DMR network.

Here is a link to the dashboard: http://sites.k3do.com:5075

Just in case your interested, there is also a weather station setup at the Gambrill Mountain tower site, you can view the weather here: http://sites.k3do.com:5076


Winlink Hybrid

I have at the same site on Gambrill mountain a Winlink Hybrid Node. If you are not familiar with Winlink I suggest you look into it. It is email over radio. This particular site uses the ham radio frequencies which means if you are a licensed ham radio operator you can send email over your radio.

This particular site can receive 1200 or 9600 baud packet messages on 70 cm, winmor or pactor on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters.

It is a Hybrid station which means that if the internet is down, this site will forward via HF using Pactor to another site that has an internet connection. In normal circumstances, this site will send an email it receives directly to the internet, but it has a long distance RF backup.


APRS Digipeater / I-Gate

I have a couple of APRS Digipeaters and I-Gates. There is one at the same site on Gambrill mountain that has great coverage. This site has an I-Gate and as long as there is internet it will send everything it hears directly to the APRS network which means it sends it on to sites like aprs.fi so you can view APRS on the internet.

I also have the same setup at my house and a temporary one up in Pennsylvania as well. The site on Gambrill has the best coverage by far. That location can be heard and hears 50 - 60 miles in most directions.


D-Star Reflector 25

D-Star Reflector 25 runs on one of my servers at a datacenter in Atlanta Georgia. There are a few repeaters on this reflector but most have moved to the newer XLX reflectors. I am working getting one of the modules on this reflector linked to one of the modules on my other D-Star reflector (see below).

Here is a link to the dashboard: http://ref025.dstargateway.org/


D-Star Reflector XLX336

This reflector runs on another server in my Atlanta datacenter. This is using the new XLX reflector software. Not only is this reflector connected to D-star, it is also connected to DMR. Brandmeister DMR talkgroup 31241 MAWCG (Mid-Atlantic Wireless Communication Group) which is my group connects to this reflector as well.

Here is a link to the dashboard: http://xlx336.k3do.com/


Brandmeister DMR Talkgroup 31241 for MAWCG

I have DMR Talkgroup 31241 setup for the Mid-Atlantic Wireless Communications Group. This talkgroup is linked also to XLX336 and does cross mode connections between D-Star and Brandmeister DMR. Long term goal is to also link this to fusion.

If you are curious about DMR or Brandmeister you can visit https://brandmeister.network/ to see details on the last caller, about the number of repeaters and conversations going on and even listen to the talk groups with the hoseline option.

Here is a snapshot of the dashboard from the Brandmeister. You can see how many repeaters there are, hotspots there are and how many repeaters were transmitting when I took the snapshot.
